Friday, June 20, 2008

Leaving in two days

It's June 20, and I leave Sunday June 22 at 6 a.m. I am sitting in a coffee shop in Terre Haute that has a pretty feeble internet signal. I'm the angry guy in the corner making obscene gestures at his computer. This blog entry is actually my 12th or 13th step along the thousand pace journey to insanity on which I so bravely embarked when I decided to quit my job in DC about 2 months ago. I know it has logic, grad school, Yale, yada yada yada, but it is a crazy process. All of my belongings except for 2 backpacks full of "necessary items" are crammed into a tiny room.

I'm in Indiana seeing my parents, sister, sister's boyfriend, grandparents, etc. Friends from HS I still keep in touch with are no longer in town. Hence, I am sitting here, trying to figure out what to write. I also got a video camera for my birthday, and I'm trying to decide if I should take it to Vietnam/China.

One of my friends was kind enough to email me a newsclip, highlighting an instance where a Vietnamese soldier went nuts with his AK inside his barracks and killed four people before committing suicide. Thanks bro, way to bring that to my attention. I am really excited about going to Saigon, and then to Hangzhou. My worry is that I will not like China. I'm supposed to like China, because I'm going to study it at Yale. If I don't like traveling there, then I've sort of picked the wrong horse. That's not a huge problem, because I can switch emphasis to SE Asia in my program pretty easily, but as I learned in DC over the last couple years, SE Asia related jobs do not grow on trees. There, in a proverbial nutshell, is my dilemma.

And I'm totes going to liveblog all of it, making everyone in the world hate me. I feel an emo song coming on...


Marissa said...

Well, Bob, you will be missed around here. That is fo' SHO'. And I look forward to reading your updates, as well as giving you mine. Mine will involve less Asian people and more B-list celebrities.

I am comforted by the fact that your imminent departure is simply a byproduct of that law of physics that states that you and Sven Romberg cannot actually be physically present in one city (country?) at the same time, lest your heads simultaneously implode. (I think they call that Newhall's Law; look it up.)

Anonymous said...


i decided to convert to hinduism and move to bangalore to find my sweet lime and work for dell customer support part time. i know, regret has a way of following dreams but this feels so right. god damn it feels right. but anyway, have fun on your spiritual journey, don't jump ship and join operation hennessey cause you'll be stuck sharing the glock, and last but not least, night night, keep you know what tight, down't want any accidents. i will be popping in now and again to check on the blog progress, don't disappoint me.