Friday, August 8, 2008

Back in the States

Sitting in Nantucket now with my family. Jet lag affects me worse than most people. I don't really know how long I've been back. Five days, six? It all kind of blends together, like I'm emerging from some sort of swamp. I do remember getting back, and wanting to go to bed at about 3p.m., but forcing myself to stay awake. In the mornings I was wide awake and wanted to take very long bike rides, the mornings in America. I woke up at 4 a.m. for a few days. Now I can stay up 'till midnight and I wake up about 7:30. I still want to nap at about 3 p.m. Somewhere there is a line between jet lag and my natural sloth. I don't know where it is.

My last week in China was exhausting. I went to Qingdao with Stacy. It is full of German architecture, because it was a German colony. German architecture in China is a strange blend, but it works. It's right on the ocean, the street food is excellent. Really relaxed place. Hangzhou is uptight, beautiful, worth it, but up tight. In Hangzhou there is minimal street food. There are Porsche and Rolls Royce stores. Qingdao is about the same size and poorer. Qingdao will host some Olympic sailing events, so I saw Olympic stuff everywhere. Neon lights, huge roads, and the "One World One Dream" sign.

Hangzhou was a great experience. I miss the place and the people there. Yale starts in about 2+ weeks. The first thing I do at Yale is a 2 week long orientation. During my aunt's grad school orientation, she was sent to an island in the middle of a lake for several days with no food. The idea was that she would learn self-reliance. So if I don't post anything for a few weeks, you'll know what's up. I really don't want to go to an island in the middle of a lake. There I said it, does that knock my manliness down a peg?

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